Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Melting

There are moments, for some, entire lifetimes for others, which create the process of darkness and cold permeating their otherwise fruitful existence. This unwanted, yet seemingly unavoidable presence, takes hold of individuals with various strengths, and if given the opportunity will snowball through our lives to perpetuate itself. This ice of dissatisfaction and misery crystallizes on top of itself, forming a jagged tree of cold within us. A frozen tumbleweed of the soul, if you will.

These weeds are dissolved or melted by the love felt from kind words, or the beauty we find in the true nature of things, or a beauty previously unseen, newly found within ourselves, our loved ones, or in the cosmos. The warmth of such experiences, when given the passage to, weaves the way into our flesh and our emotions, engulfing the pain of that jagged ice tree...and melting it so that rather than leaving frozen roots to grow back, there is nourishment to foster new growth and understanding.

I suppose the point being made is that we would all do well to remember a couple of key ideas here. Firstly, to allow the real warmth in life to infuse itself into our existence. Secondly, to remember that we are always capable of being the means by which another creature's frozen tumbleweed of the soul is melted. Lastly, and this is mostly for me, I hope these words are a part of your warmth today....

1 comment:

  1. This speaks to my essay today, and to so many others. Did you read "On the Question of Whether or Not Love is a Dog"?
