Monday, October 27, 2014

Robbed!! Accompanied by an emphatic fist shaking

"We were robbed!!!" No this was not spoken by the woman who came home to a kicked in door and missing her television. No, this was not spoken by the kid who came out to find his car window smashed and stereo gone.

This phrase spoken around the US can always been heard on any given Thursday, Sunday, and Monday. The sound of your precious team losing a game they should not have lost to a less than worthy team. This loss is devastating, could not be more black and white. Truly as it is usually the fault of the man wearing black and white that lead to the demise of your precious record and possible playoff seating. Not to mention the all important fantasy league, how will you ever beat your office rival now with T.J Lang out injured. 

But let's think about bigger issues that face the NFL and their players on a daily basis.

How terrible it must be for Marshawn Lynch, unable to talk to the press, only making $5 million, when he is clearly worth so much more. The agony of it all, no wonder he eats so many skittles. But while we are focusing on the Seahawks, who have been robbed so many times, how can we forget of the constant struggle of having a quarterback who just might not be black enough. Or a quarterback, who just cannot get a high five, despite an excellent throw.

These are the real issues people. 

Why do we liken sports plays to crimes? Robbed, really? Millionaires against millionaires playing with a ball, the only one robbed is the viewer, after all it is only a game.

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