Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Stealing Other People's Stories

All my Oscars have been for screenwriting. 

I’m reasonably sure this is true. 

Maybe way back, back before I traded in my plans of acting for a stage manager’s headset and binder, maybe I accepted a few for acting. But the overwhelming majority of my wins have been for writing stories that were filled in with famous faces and spread thickly across screens in dark rooms full of strangers.

[Sidebar: While it can be awkward, I’ve found the bathroom is the best place for accepting. The steamy mirror creates a glow similar to that of stage lights; your wet hair is easily swept into something classic or cutting edge; the towel can be cinched to sveltify the waist and press the girls into some sort of cleavage. I’ve done a lot of research, and this is where I’m coming down in the discussion: bathrooms are best.]

...Keep reading here.


  1. Is this an obnoxious way to do this? You can be real with me, I promise! I just didn't want to lose my stuff... :)

  2. I was curious how you linked it. I think I'll just post the link on my blog.
    Enjoyed the thoughts on revision and stealing. 😉
