Saturday, October 4, 2014

All in the name of 10%

Power Rant. Have to speak to breath. I just can’t hear one more complaint about immigration from someone who never knew 5 people of a different color in their entire life. Can’t hear one more story from someone who has never left their state tell me about welfare fraud in the ghettos. Just can’t struggle through one more person telling me how drug tests should be the gateway for food stamps. And seriously if you say any of the above and invite me to your fucking church do me a favor-Duck. Because I am so ready to knock you on your ass. If you don’t care about the poor, you have never met God. If you don’t weep for people working 3 jobs to feed their kids you don’t have a heart. And if you vote for assholes who “balance the budget” on the backs of the elderly and the working poor, you are not my kind of human being. Hell, I have to remind myself that you ARE a human being.

How the fuck can anyone go through this life and make all the mistakes we make as we grow up and come out like that. How can you not acquire even a shred of compassion for all the other people around you? Jesus, I just don’t understand. Maybe it’s because I have made crater size impressions with my face dives and fuck ups in life.  Yes, there is fraud in every system. Yes some people take advantage. Yes perhaps we can change some of the systems to better get them to the people who need them. But that isn’t what you are proposing. You are throwing out the 90% who want help, the 90% who try hard, the 90% who are doing everything they can to just make it through because 10% will probably abuse the privilege. And you know what? I don’t think you give a shit about who abuses what. I think you talk like that and think like that to make yourself feel better than someone else. Because hey if that race/gender/generation/orientation etc. is on the bottom, then you aren’t right?

Don’t tell me about your patriotism as you sling rumors and thrive on fear and animosity between people. IF you gave a damn about our country you would want children fed, clothed, warm and educated. You would understand that ALL those kids are our future, the next business leaders, voters and politicians. You would care about your fellow workers having access to health care so they could be healthy and prosperous for all of us. Don’t you fucking get it? As long as we hold anyone down, we are all held down. “Those people” you talk about are someone’s family-Hell they are MY family. And you know what? Without fail, every one of “those people” I have met make you look like shadow people in comparison. They give when they have little and are the first to offer a hand up.

So please, seriously don’t tell me one more. Some days I fear I am watching my country die, all in the name of the 10%.

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